
 * This file is part of muFORTH:
 * Copyright (c) 2002-2008 David Frech. All rights reserved, and all wrongs
 * reversed. (See the file COPYRIGHT for details.)

/* Nuts and bolts of threaded-code compiler & execution engine */

#include "muforth.h"

 * ITC code pointers, so we can create XTKs for these words. Their code
 * pointers also exist in the dictionary, but we'd have to query for them
 * and still store them somewhere. This is easier.
pw p_mu_nope = &mu_nope;
pw p_mu_interpret = &mu_interpret;
pw p_mu_evaluate = &mu_evaluate;
pw p__mu__lbracket = &_mu__lbracket;
pw p__mu__rbracket = &_mu__rbracket;

void mu_compile_comma()  { *pcd++ = POP; }      /* currently same as code, */
void mu_set_colon_code() { *pcd++ = (cell)&mu_do_colon; }
void mu_set_does_code()  { *pcd++ = (cell)&mu_do_does; }

 * This is where all the magic happens. Any time we have the address of a
 * word to execute (an execution token, or XTK) - either because we looked
 * it up in the dictionary, or because we fetched it out of a variable - we
 * call execute_xtk. It is most commonly invoked by EXECUTE, which POPs an
 * xtk off the D stack, and calls execute_xtk.
 * We need magic here because of the hybrid nature of the system. It is
 * *not* a truly indirect-threaded Forth, where you set up IP and go, and
 * never look back. We're executing C code, then Forth, then C... The Forth
 * inner interpreter never runs "free"; in fact, we run it in this routine!
 * How do we know if the XTK refers to a Forth word or to a C routine? We
 * don't...until we run it. If it's Forth, the first thing it will do is
 * NEST - push the caller's IP - and then it will set IP to point to its
 * own code. In fact, that's *all* Forth words do when you execute them!
 * So we save RP, then call the word. Then we loop *while* the current RP
 * is *strictly* less than the saved. If we didn't call a Forth word, this
 * will not be true, and we'll exit. But the word we called - the C routine
 * - will have run its course and done all its work.
 * If it *was* a Forth word, it NESTED, and RP < rp_saved. So now we run
 * NEXT - a "constrained" threaded interpreter - until RP >= rp_saved, which
 * will happen precisely when the called (Forth) word executes UNNEST
 * (EXIT).
 * That's all there is to it!
 * Thanks to Michael Pruemm for the idea of comparing RP to rp_saved as a
 * way to see when we're "done".
void execute_xtk(xtk x)
    xtk **rp_saved;

    rp_saved = RP;

    while (RP < rp_saved)

/* The most important "word" of all: */
void mu_do_colon()
    NEST;                   /* entering a new word; push IP */
    IP = (xtk *)&W[1];      /* new IP is address of parameter field */

/* The basis of create/does>. */
void mu_do_does()
    NEST;                   /* entering a new word; push IP */
    IP = (xtk *)W[1];       /* new IP is stored in the parameter field */
    PUSH(W[2]);             /* push the constant stored in 2nd word */

/* Normal exit */
void mu_exit()      { UNNEST; }

/* Push an inline literal */
void mu_lit_()  { PUSH(*IP++); }

 * These are the control structure runtime workhorses. They are static
 * because we don't export them directly to muforth; instead we export
 * words that *compile* them.
void mu_branch_()            { BRANCH; }
void mu_equal_zero_branch_() { if (TOP == 0) BRANCH; else IP++; }
void mu_zero_branch_()       { mu_equal_zero_branch_(); DROP(1); }

 * for, ?for, next
 * for simply compiles "push"; it pairs with next.
 * ?for compiles (?for); it has to be matched with "next" and "then".  At
 * run-time (ie when (?for) executes), if TOP is zero we skip the entire
 * loop by jumping to "then"; otherwise we could be looping for a long time
 * - 2^(#bits in CELL)!

void mu_qfor_()
    if (TOP == 0) { BRANCH; DROP(1); }   /* take branch, pop stack */
    else          { IP++; RPUSH(POP); }  /* skip branch, push count onto R */

void mu_next_()
    cell *prtop;
    prtop = (cell *)RP;  /* counter on top of R stack */

    if (--*prtop == 0) { IP++; RP++; }  /* skip branch, pop counter */
    else               { BRANCH; }      /* take branch */

 * Runtime workhorses for R stack functions. In the x86 native code, "push"
 * and "pop" are compiler words. Here they don't need to be.

/* R stack functions */
void mu_push()   { RPUSH(POP); }
void mu_pop()    { PUSH(RPOP); }
void mu_rfetch() { PUSH(RP[0]); }

void mu_shunt()  {  RP++; }

#if 0
 * Using these two words - r@+ and ?^ - it would be easy to implement the
 * branch runtime words in Forth rather than in C.

/* Whether positive or negative logic can easily be changed; whether it
 * consumes TOP can be changed as well, depending on what seems to work
 * best. However, unnest-if-false should probably be called -?^ */

void mu_qexit()  { if (TOP) UNNEST; DROP(1); }

/* So we can easily define compile and (lit) in Forth. Fetches and pushes
 * to D stack top value on R stack; increments that value by sizeof(cell).
 * That yield an IP pointer on D stack; to get the _value_ we need to
 * fetch. This fetch could be built into the word, and maybe renamed to
 * r@+@ or something equally ungainly. Or maybe it could get a more
 * mnemonic (what it means), rather than functional (what it does) name.
static void mu_rfetch_plus()  { PUSH(RP[0]); RP[0]++; }