
( This file is part of muFORTH:

  Copyright 2002-2008 David Frech. All rights reserved, and all wrongs
  reversed. (See the file COPYRIGHT for details.)

( Try out Chuck Moore's idea of storing either the count and first three
  letters of an identifier, or [my] modified idea of storing the count, the
  first two, and the _last_ letter.)


: filler  ( a n)   dup 3 - for char _ emit next ;
: chumoo
   over 3 type ( 1st 3 chars)  filler ;

: chkmoe
   over 2 type ( 1st 2 chars)  filler  + 1- c@ emit ( last) ;

defer .special
: .id   dup 4 u< if  type  ^  then  .special ;
: nm
   begin  token  2dup " EOT" string= not while  .id space  repeat  2drop ;

now chumoo is .special

First of all, muforth is most emphatically _not_ ANS-compatible. It
would be silly to write another when there are perfectly good ones
available. I wanted instead to build a Forth with specific features,
several of which are shamelessly stolen from Chuck Moore's colorforth

I think I started with the question, "What would colorforth look like
without color?" and went from there. I wanted a substrate for experiments,
a good metacompiler, and something small and simple.

cr cr

now chkmoe is .special

First of all, muforth is most emphatically _not_ ANS-compatible. It
would be silly to write another when there are perfectly good ones
available. I wanted instead to build a Forth with specific features,
several of which are shamelessly stolen from Chuck Moore's colorforth

I think I started with the question, "What would colorforth look like
without color?" and went from there. I wanted a substrate for experiments,
a good metacompiler, and something small and simple.

( I think the right thing to do is to simply go thru the existing dict
  chains, in turn, and see if any of the names collide. Starting on a new
  chain means starting with an empty set again.)

2000 cells buffer dict
variable d  ( pts into dict)  dict d !
: d,    d @ !  cell d +! ;

: >chkmoe  ( c" - c" id)  dup @  "ff000000 bic  over dup c@ + c@ 24 << or ;
: >chumoo  ( c" - c" id)  dup @  ;

defer >special
: >id  ( c" - c" id)   dup c@ 4 u< if  dup @ ^  then  >special ;

: _count  ( c" - a n)  dup 1+ swap c@ ;

: scan  ( c" id - c" id)  push
   d @  begin  dict over u< while  [ 2 cells ] -  dup @  ( c" d id2)
      r@ = if  over _count type ."  = " dup cell+ @ _count type cr  then
   repeat  drop pop ;

: id,  ( c" id)  d, d, ;
: ?collide  ( c")  >id  scan  id, ;
: link>cname  [ 2 cells ] +  ;
: words   current @  ( link)
  begin  @  =while  dup link>cname  ?collide  repeat  drop ;

." chumoo" cr
now >chumoo is >special  words  cr cr  dict d !

." chkmoe" cr
now >chkmoe is >special  words

( An especially interesting thing to try is this:

  ./muforth -d debug -f target/arm.mu4 -f chumoo.mu4)